Schoolside Press

The Little Man In the Map - Wall Map

The Little Man In the Map - Wall Map

by Martonyi, E. Andrew

Learning all 50 U.S. states is easy when you learn from The Little Man In the Map!Asked by their teacher to find clues for memorizing the states, students begin to see images-a hat, a shirt, a pair of boots-formed by state boundaries. When they put some of them together, they're amazed to find the outline of a man standing in the middle of the map...

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The Little Man In the Map Teaches the State Capitals!

The Little Man In the Map Teaches the State Capitals!

by Martonyi, E. Andrew

From the author of the award-winning The Little Man In the Map: With Clues To Remember All 50 States comes its eagerly awaited companion book, The Little Man In the Map Teaches the State Capitals! Following the proven method of its predecessor, this clever paper-bound volume uses memory aids, well-laced with humor, to help anyone learn the U.S. capitals...

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The Little Man In the Map

The Little Man In the Map

by Martonyi, E. Andrew

Learning all 50 U.S. states is easy when you learn from The Little Man In the Map!Asked by their teacher to find clues for memorizing the states, students begin to see images-a hat, a shirt, a pair of boots-formed by state boundaries. When they put some of them together, they're amazed to find the outline of a man standing in the middle of the map...

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  • The Little Man In the Map
  • The Little Man In the Map - Wall Map

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