Quinn and Associates Publishing and Consulting

Walking With the Devil

Walking With the Devil

by Quinn, Michael

In Walking With The Devil, Mike Quinn gives us a horrifying, and in your face look at the reality of the life of police officers and the culture they move in. As a police psychologist who works with law enforcement to promote and maintain good mental health, prevent suicide and train the new generation of cops, I know that what he says is true...

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Walking With the Devil: The Police Code of Silence - The Promise of Peer Intervention

Walking With the Devil: The Police Code of Silence - The Promise of Peer Intervention

by Quinn, Michael

Wallking With the Devil is required ethics reading in law enforcement academies and college programs across the United States. It  is the foundational resource for the Peer Intervention training featured in the New York Times regarding New Orleans Police Department (EPIC) and the Police Executive Research Forum.

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  • Walking With the Devil: The Police Code of Silence - The Promise of Peer Intervention
  • Walking With the Devil

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The International Ethics and Leadership Training Bureau, LLC is located in Minneapolis, MN. We are here to guide our clients in implementing ethical decision making into their daily work routine. 

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