Active Planet Kids, Inc

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ABOUT Active Planet Kids, Inc


Learning Resources for an Active World

Active Planet Kids (APK) is an Active Lifestyle and Educational company that focuses on both cognitive and non-cognitive development to create whole child learning experiences. APK products and resources help parents and children build healthy lifestyles, leadership and social responsibility as part of their overall academic success.


Active Planet Kids is a strong advocate for traditional summer vacation and believes summer is an important time for parents to build, motivate, encourage and challenge children to realize and live up to their full potential with confidence, purpose and respect for themselves, and others.

Summer Fit Activities combines academics in reading, writing, math, language arts, science, geography and the environment with fitness and play. Research shows that fitness and play increase memory and learning ability. Academics are based on national and state standards. Summer Fit helps children become positive influencers in their classrooms and communities by reinforcing core values and leadership skills using role models from throughout the world including Nelson Mandela, Bethany Hamilton, Rosa Parks, Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln.

Summer Fit Activities integrates academics, health and character education to build self-confidence and prepare children for the new school year.


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