Midpoint's conversion services are offered through our partner codeMantra, a best-in-class provider.
CodeMantra separates eReader devices into three categories:
1. ePaper/eInk Devices: such as the Kindle or Nook
2. Mobile Devices: smartphones and smartbooks
3. x86 Chip Devices: PCs, Macs, and Net Books
Here is a partial list of the viable digital formatting options provided by codeMantra:
- Kindle (PRC)
- Sony Reader (ePub through Adobe Digital Editions and BBeB)
- iPad & iPhone (Apple)
- mobiPocket (for smart phones and mobile phones)
- Adobe Digital Editions
- PDF (image)
- PDF (P.O.D)
- PDF (streaming: ebrary library solution)
- HTML (web browser applications)
- Palm OS
If you prefer, Midpoint can manage the entire conversion process for you from start to finish. And even if you ultimately choose a third party conversion solution, Midpoint’s advice and knowledge will always be available to you.